About HorseLogs.com.
HorseLogs.com was launched to the public on August 15th, 2005.
The feature set and technology behind HorseLogs.com has evolved over the past 10 years. With little competition in the market place when we launched, our member base grew at a healthy pace mostly from search engine results and word of mouth.
A great idea like online horse management software wasn't alone in the market place for long. We have competitors that offer more features, but at a much higher price point as well as competitors that offer a free web site but have concentrated their efforts on building multiple custom apps for mobile devices to leverage app store sales.
At HorseLogs.com our goal remains as it was when we launched, to provide an easy, affordable service all horse owners can leverage. We offer a free basic membership, as well as a low priced premium membership. We have started to rebuild with mobile devices in mind. We will not push sales in an app store, but have a site that works across multiple devices and platforms. We want you to have the same experience with HorseLogs.com regardless of your device choice. Run HorseLogs.com in your device browser, rather than download an app.
We offer encrypted login, and for premium members, an encrypted session every time you login. We also employ a professional server host to ensure our site is backed up and has the most current security patches.
We think our Horse Management Software is the best value on the market for the price.